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Building communities
of resilient individuals
Mission Statement:
Horsepower, Inc was founded in 2017 in response to the growing population in communities across America suffering with PTSD and thoughts of suicide, and the need for collaborated funding to help our friends, family and neighbors participate in resilience and self-value building equine assisted programs. Horsepower, Inc. is a charitable organization pursuant to Chapter 501(c)(3) of the US Internal Revenue Code and does not discriminate against or promote any race, gender or religion.
This corporation’s purpose is to fundraise and provide financial support, scholarships, operational funding, promotion, and fostering of equine programs and facilities whose primary purpose is focused on philosophies and methods successfully using interspecies communication with horses, to build communication skills, self-discovery, personal growth, and communities of resilient individuals
1. To increase the number of equine-based therapy programs in the U.S. and beyond
2. To decrease the barrier of entry for these programs through scholarships and other such means
3. To help as many people suffering from traumas including PTSD as possible
“We as humans share a responsibility to support programs that build stronger individuals and communities”
- James Driver, Board Member
Why it Matters:
Every day, 22 veterans take their lives. For many of them, the struggle with PTSD becomes too much. We have found that equine-based therapy can help. As communities, we have a moral responsibility to help those who have risked and sacrificed for us. We can also build stronger communities by bringing those who struggle with self-value and isolation space to come back to both themselves and the people who care about them.